The Kimmeridge Collection
These pictures were first shown at my CLAVELLEPHANTS & KIMMONITES exhibition 26th May to 3rd June 2018
at the wonderful ETCHES COLLECTION (fossil) MUSEUM in Kimmeridge, Dorset S = sold

Whelk Home to the Clavell Shell
83 x 43
The 4 Clavellevels
within the Tower
60 x 20
Ammonight tide Ammonlight Bay

Kimmerichthyosaur 60x94

Touch Stone 46 x 43

Kimmonite/exhibition poster S
Fossilsphere: Planet Earth, Jurassic Earth,
Present Earth, Ammonite, Kimmeridge Bay,
Jurassic Creatures 90 x 90
Casterway on Brighton Beach Birdie Nodule Chamber in Sussex Sand
26 x 22 S 26 x 18 S 17 x 23 S